Over the last few weeks, Shaling had to work on a book report on a biography. Her report, which included a variety of activities, such as creating a timeline, drawing pictures, finding pictures, and writing out information, was on Mia Hamm. It culminated in her giving a speech on Mia Hamm at school today.
She apparently understood the idea of having props during the speech, because she asked me last night if she could ask one of our neighbors (Mady Schmidt) if she could borrow a soccer ball. Then, last night, she began planning her outfit for today. She dug out a t-shirt that I'd forgotten she even had. It was from when she attended a one week soccer camp last June!
To be honest, Brock did most of the work involved in preparing the speech, but he invested a large amount of time in having Shaling practice giving it, gently correcting her in pronunciation, etc. She balked at having to repeatedly read it, but begrudingly did so.
Well, I just got an email from Shaling's teacher on another topic, but she included this:
"Just wanted to let you know Shaling did a wonderful job today presenting as Mia Hamm. I couldn't believe how well she read!!! She seemed very proud of herself!!!"
She hasn't even been home quite 14 months yet. Heck, at the beginning of this very school year, I never would have guessed her to have the vocabulary & reading skills to pull this off. Her language progress milestones may not come as frequently or seem as obvious as they once did, but she continues to amaze me.
Last week, she had an assignment that involved jumbled sentences, such as:
barked brown The loudly dog
She had roughly seven or eight of them. She correctly reordered all but two of them. The two I had to help her correct only had one word out of place. It is hard to explain just how difficult it is for her to learn grammar, as Chinese is not Latin-based, so there is virtually nothing similar about the languages. When I slow to fathom just all she has accomplished in the short time we've had her, I am quite inspired.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Newspaper Story
Shaling & two of her foster brothers from China made the Springfield newspaper (State Journal-Register):
Area families adopt children from same Chinese city
Shaling & two of her basketball buddies:

Josh & Jimmy with their brother Jay & their dad:
Area families adopt children from same Chinese city
Shaling & two of her basketball buddies:
Josh & Jimmy with their brother Jay & their dad:
Friday, February 24, 2012
This precious little boy is in dire need of heart surgery A.S.A.P.:

If you've ever considered adoption & you have medical insurance, you are a great candidate to be his family.
My friend Sonia adopted these two boys from LongGang (the same district as Shaling). The one on the right had his heart repaired PRIOR to adoption:

Roughly 7 (yes, SEVEN) months later, she adopted this guy (Joshua):

He looks pretty great, doesn't he? He didn't always look so great. He had a serious heart issue & had basically been sentenced to death, as his orphanage didn't have the money, nor the optimistic diagnosis to pursue repair. Sonia & her husband took a giant leap of faith that they could get better results here in America. They brought him home, where he went straight into the hospital for a 3-week stay. Here is a "Before" picture & a "During" picture of Joshua:

If you are interested in learning more, please go to Sonia's blog for more information.
Finally, here is a picture of all 3 boys:

If you've ever considered adoption & you have medical insurance, you are a great candidate to be his family.
My friend Sonia adopted these two boys from LongGang (the same district as Shaling). The one on the right had his heart repaired PRIOR to adoption:

Roughly 7 (yes, SEVEN) months later, she adopted this guy (Joshua):

He looks pretty great, doesn't he? He didn't always look so great. He had a serious heart issue & had basically been sentenced to death, as his orphanage didn't have the money, nor the optimistic diagnosis to pursue repair. Sonia & her husband took a giant leap of faith that they could get better results here in America. They brought him home, where he went straight into the hospital for a 3-week stay. Here is a "Before" picture & a "During" picture of Joshua:

If you are interested in learning more, please go to Sonia's blog for more information.
Finally, here is a picture of all 3 boys:

Thursday, February 23, 2012
Dad Charges Too Steep of a Price
For awhile now, Brock has wanted to take the kids to see an artist "of their generation". Shaling has never been to a concert. Preston has seen dad's favorite singer, Bruce Springsteen, as well as one of my favorites, Trace Adkins. He has also seen a few acts at the state fair, but never one that is like popular with the current school crowd.
So, this week, Brock began trying to win a pair of tickets to see Kelly Clarkson in Champaign this Saturday night. He finally got through Tuesday afternoon and won! We are going to purchase another pair of tickets so we can take both kids. However, Brock was teasing Shaling a bit Tuesday night.
He told her what he'd won and she got excited, talking about how much she wanted to go. He told her that there were only 2 tickets and maybe he'd take Preston. She begged him, "no, no, please. I want to go; I want to go!"
At that point, Brock said that perhaps he'd take which kid was nicer to him this week. She somberly replied, "I no go with you."
This is perhaps something a lady shouldn't share publicly, but not many people have excused me of being a lady anyway. The truth is, I drink a lot of diet soda. Diet soda happens to be carbonated (like most soda). That carbonation would prefer NOT to stay in my body. Therefore, I tend to expel that carbonation.
A couple of Saturdays ago, I had Shaling & her friend Katie in my car on the way to meet my cousin Joanna, her husband Mike, & her daughter Maggie at a restaurant. I was quickly swigging a diet soda in the car. I decided that with it just being me & the girls in the car, I didn't need to hold back, so I burped rather loudly. Shaling gave me a mock "Maaawwwm!" I teased her about there being a mouse in the front seat with me. Well, at the restaurant (which happened to be a Chinese buffet), while I was up getting a plate of food, she wasbeing a brat sweetly telling everyone at the table just how I had farted in the car.
I'm thinking there is still a bit of a language barrier there.
Here is a current basketball video (from last Saturday, 2-18-2012):
So, this week, Brock began trying to win a pair of tickets to see Kelly Clarkson in Champaign this Saturday night. He finally got through Tuesday afternoon and won! We are going to purchase another pair of tickets so we can take both kids. However, Brock was teasing Shaling a bit Tuesday night.
He told her what he'd won and she got excited, talking about how much she wanted to go. He told her that there were only 2 tickets and maybe he'd take Preston. She begged him, "no, no, please. I want to go; I want to go!"
At that point, Brock said that perhaps he'd take which kid was nicer to him this week. She somberly replied, "I no go with you."
This is perhaps something a lady shouldn't share publicly, but not many people have excused me of being a lady anyway. The truth is, I drink a lot of diet soda. Diet soda happens to be carbonated (like most soda). That carbonation would prefer NOT to stay in my body. Therefore, I tend to expel that carbonation.
A couple of Saturdays ago, I had Shaling & her friend Katie in my car on the way to meet my cousin Joanna, her husband Mike, & her daughter Maggie at a restaurant. I was quickly swigging a diet soda in the car. I decided that with it just being me & the girls in the car, I didn't need to hold back, so I burped rather loudly. Shaling gave me a mock "Maaawwwm!" I teased her about there being a mouse in the front seat with me. Well, at the restaurant (which happened to be a Chinese buffet), while I was up getting a plate of food, she was
I'm thinking there is still a bit of a language barrier there.
Here is a current basketball video (from last Saturday, 2-18-2012):
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Awkward Adoption Comments
Several of my Facebook friends recently shared a link to 10 Things Not to Say to Adoptive Parents (Especially in Front of Their Kids). I found it to be an entertaining and valuable read, but I also found it to be too sarcastic for my comfort level. Oh, I love sarcasm...my whole family treats sarcasm as an art form. I just don't find sarcasm to be an approriate method to use when trying to educate others on sensitive and important issues, especially when those we are educating are typically well-intentioned.
I am going to run through some of the topics that Tracy Hahn-Burkett (the author) discusses, but with my own "spin". I tend to be very approachable. I am especially approachable on the topic of adoption, as I consider myself to be somewhat of an advocate of older child adoption. Therefore, I work very hard to remind myself that I was once ignorant on this topic as well...that much of what seems like obvious common sense to me really isn't all that commonly known.
1: "Do you have any children of your own?"
I fully endorse Hahn-Burkett's response to this one. "My children are my own — both of them. Yes, I know what you mean. And I repeat: Both of my children are my own." I tend to brush this one aside, knowing full well that the person asking the question doesn't mean any harm. However, the truth is that it IS harmful, especially if asked in front of either of my kids. If you are curious as to how I got my kids, asking if I have any biological children would be far more appropriate.
2: "I couldn't do it."
Yes, you could! Brock & I are not a level above anyone else. We are certainly not going to be nominated for sainthood. And we are far from being featured in any parenting magazine. If folks as common as us are capable of loving and raising a child, then I know there are hundreds of thousands (if not millions) more out there that are just as capable.
3: "She's so lucky."
I confess. Brock & I both loathe this one. Maybe loathe is too strong of a word, but I know I have to take a silent deep breath and show restraint. And I know Brock has shared feeling the same way with me. Oh, we're not stupid. We know Shaling is fortunate to have a family, but so is Preston, yet no one seems to imply that he should have an overwhelming sense of gratefulness about it. In fact, depending on your point of view, Preston may be luckier than Shaling. Shaling has had to deal with relearning everything she had been taught for 9 years -- her language, her culture, new foods, friends, etc. Her life story will always begin with the loss of family. We love her so much, but we cannot erase that. Furthermore, we aren't being facetious when we respond that we are the lucky ones. She comes with some parenting challenges, but those pale in comparison to the love, joy, and pride she has given us. In the same way, Preston has his own set of parenting challenges, but we are so fortunate to have this sweet, wonderful boy in our lives.
4: "What kind of mother would give up a child?"
While I realize that for most of of us it is unfathomable to consider giving up a birth child, it is important to understand that when you ask this question in front of Shaling, you are criticizing the very woman who gave her life and whose heredity will remain a part of her forever. The cold, hard truth is that a woman that would do this probably made the most heart-wrenching, self-less decision she ever had to make in her entire life. This was not just a casual, "oh, I think I'll drop my kid off at the bus station" sort of thing. She was probably a wonderful person with a pitifully poor economic lot in life that feared she could not provide any sort of healthy life for her daughter. Think about how desperate she must have been to suspect that her daughter was better off with strangers. If there were any possible way for me to find her and let her know how much Shaling is loved, how smart she is, how beautiful she has become, etc., I would do it in a heartbeat.
5: "Why go to China? Why not adopt a kid from America?"
My skin bristles as I am made to feel defensive...as if I am unpatriotic or something. Our personal story is that we actually pursued a few domestic adoptions and hit dead ends. We never set out to adopt internationally. We actually wondered if we were simply meant to be a family of 3. Then, due to my being included in a mass email about a severed adoption of an unrelated child, I was asked if we would consider adopting an 8-year-old girl from China. VoilĂ ! We were on our way to getting Shaling. I don't mean to get too preachy, but God doesn't have borders. Whether you believe it was God calling us, fate, or something else, we were meant to be Shaling's family. Since when did it matter from which country an orphan in need of a family came? Finally, there are certain pluses & minuses when comparing international and domestic adoptions. Anyone considering adoption should read up on the requirements, costs, and experiences of both before making a decision that will best fit them.
6: "How much did she cost?"
Not one red cent. Shaling didn't cost us a thing, just as there was no price tag associated with Preston at the hospital. Now, the process of adoption came with some mighty hefty fees, just as mine & Preston's medical care did. If you are truly pursuing adoption, I will be thrilled to share with you a spreadsheet I kept of all of our expenses. I will tell you up front that the heftiest of the costs were the travel, the orphanage fee, & paperwork processing fees. And yet, added up, those costs don't come close to touching how much we would have spent in child care, food, clothes, medical care, etc., if we had had Shaling in our own care those first 9 years of her life. We were very fortunate to have generous friends & family members that helped us out as we did some fundraising to put a dent in our adoption costs. We also had fortunate timing in that we adopted at a time when we were able to claim a sizable adoption credit on our federal tax return.
I am going to run through some of the topics that Tracy Hahn-Burkett (the author) discusses, but with my own "spin". I tend to be very approachable. I am especially approachable on the topic of adoption, as I consider myself to be somewhat of an advocate of older child adoption. Therefore, I work very hard to remind myself that I was once ignorant on this topic as well...that much of what seems like obvious common sense to me really isn't all that commonly known.
1: "Do you have any children of your own?"
I fully endorse Hahn-Burkett's response to this one. "My children are my own — both of them. Yes, I know what you mean. And I repeat: Both of my children are my own." I tend to brush this one aside, knowing full well that the person asking the question doesn't mean any harm. However, the truth is that it IS harmful, especially if asked in front of either of my kids. If you are curious as to how I got my kids, asking if I have any biological children would be far more appropriate.
2: "I couldn't do it."
Yes, you could! Brock & I are not a level above anyone else. We are certainly not going to be nominated for sainthood. And we are far from being featured in any parenting magazine. If folks as common as us are capable of loving and raising a child, then I know there are hundreds of thousands (if not millions) more out there that are just as capable.
3: "She's so lucky."
I confess. Brock & I both loathe this one. Maybe loathe is too strong of a word, but I know I have to take a silent deep breath and show restraint. And I know Brock has shared feeling the same way with me. Oh, we're not stupid. We know Shaling is fortunate to have a family, but so is Preston, yet no one seems to imply that he should have an overwhelming sense of gratefulness about it. In fact, depending on your point of view, Preston may be luckier than Shaling. Shaling has had to deal with relearning everything she had been taught for 9 years -- her language, her culture, new foods, friends, etc. Her life story will always begin with the loss of family. We love her so much, but we cannot erase that. Furthermore, we aren't being facetious when we respond that we are the lucky ones. She comes with some parenting challenges, but those pale in comparison to the love, joy, and pride she has given us. In the same way, Preston has his own set of parenting challenges, but we are so fortunate to have this sweet, wonderful boy in our lives.
4: "What kind of mother would give up a child?"
While I realize that for most of of us it is unfathomable to consider giving up a birth child, it is important to understand that when you ask this question in front of Shaling, you are criticizing the very woman who gave her life and whose heredity will remain a part of her forever. The cold, hard truth is that a woman that would do this probably made the most heart-wrenching, self-less decision she ever had to make in her entire life. This was not just a casual, "oh, I think I'll drop my kid off at the bus station" sort of thing. She was probably a wonderful person with a pitifully poor economic lot in life that feared she could not provide any sort of healthy life for her daughter. Think about how desperate she must have been to suspect that her daughter was better off with strangers. If there were any possible way for me to find her and let her know how much Shaling is loved, how smart she is, how beautiful she has become, etc., I would do it in a heartbeat.
5: "Why go to China? Why not adopt a kid from America?"
My skin bristles as I am made to feel defensive...as if I am unpatriotic or something. Our personal story is that we actually pursued a few domestic adoptions and hit dead ends. We never set out to adopt internationally. We actually wondered if we were simply meant to be a family of 3. Then, due to my being included in a mass email about a severed adoption of an unrelated child, I was asked if we would consider adopting an 8-year-old girl from China. VoilĂ ! We were on our way to getting Shaling. I don't mean to get too preachy, but God doesn't have borders. Whether you believe it was God calling us, fate, or something else, we were meant to be Shaling's family. Since when did it matter from which country an orphan in need of a family came? Finally, there are certain pluses & minuses when comparing international and domestic adoptions. Anyone considering adoption should read up on the requirements, costs, and experiences of both before making a decision that will best fit them.
6: "How much did she cost?"
Not one red cent. Shaling didn't cost us a thing, just as there was no price tag associated with Preston at the hospital. Now, the process of adoption came with some mighty hefty fees, just as mine & Preston's medical care did. If you are truly pursuing adoption, I will be thrilled to share with you a spreadsheet I kept of all of our expenses. I will tell you up front that the heftiest of the costs were the travel, the orphanage fee, & paperwork processing fees. And yet, added up, those costs don't come close to touching how much we would have spent in child care, food, clothes, medical care, etc., if we had had Shaling in our own care those first 9 years of her life. We were very fortunate to have generous friends & family members that helped us out as we did some fundraising to put a dent in our adoption costs. We also had fortunate timing in that we adopted at a time when we were able to claim a sizable adoption credit on our federal tax return.
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