Monday, March 21
Preston & Shaling stand in front of Grandma & Grandpa's front door. Shaling is holding a picture she colored at the restaurant where we ate lunch.
Shaling helps Grandpa uncover the "little boat" -- the waverunner.
Preston & Shaling get ready to leave on the waverunner with Grandpa.
Grandpa & the kids take off down the canal.
And the crew returns!
After they returned from going on the waverunner with Grandpa to various islands, Mom & Dad took them to a sprinkler park to cool down.
Tuesday, March 22
Grandpa took us all out on the boat Tuesday to go shelling at various islands. We saw lots of pelicans.
We saw a great blue heron.
Grandma is an expert "sheller".
The kids enjoyed looking for treasures with Grandma.
Grandpa & Dad chatted on the boat while waiting for the crew to return.
Wednesday, March 23
Wednesday morning, Grandma & I took the kids to the zoo in Naples. Grandma & Shaling stand in front of some talkative parrots.
Preston checks out a gigantic egg.
Preston & Shaling ride a camel.
Preston & Shaling stand by a magnificent tree.
On Wednesday afternoon, we took another boat ride; this one with some friends from Rochester that were vacationing a few hours north of us. The kids enjoyed swimming off the island.
We saw eagles up in the trees.
We found a miniature a crab...
...and a hermit crab.
Thursday, March 24
We see dolphins pretty much every time we go for a boat ride, but not like this. Today was especially fun, as the dolphins were feeling quite playful and really putting on a show.
We saw osprey.
We saw pelicans.
Preston had a great time.
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