A couple of years ago, we began giving Preston $10 a week in allowance. $5 was automatically deposited in his savings account each Friday and we gave him $5 cash. In return, he had to give $1 to Sunday school each week out of his own money. A year ago or so, he asked us to please start putting ALL of his allowance in the bank so he could save it faster.
For several reasons, we didn't get Shaling set up with an allowance right away. We didn't have a savings account for her, because we needed her Social Security number. We figured there was plenty of English she needed to learn before we explained the words allowance and bank to her. We needed to make sure we could get her to at least partially understand the value of a dollar first.
We got Shaling set up with a savings account as soon as we received her SSN (late February/early March). She received some cash at Valentine's Day and Easter (and at her open house). So she has some starter money in there. What Preston didn't realize was that a couple of weeks ago, we went ahead and started putting $10 in her account every Friday as well. He didn't know it, because we hadn't told her yet.
His generous gesture last night spurred us into going to our old friend, Google Translate, and explaining the concept of a bank and an allowance to Shaling. I then went online to her savings account and showed her the beginning balance and first two $10 deposits. She was very excited!
Also, I took Preston to get a long overdue haircut last night. We always go quite short for the summer. While we were there, Shaling decided that she wanted to wear bangs. Here are the finished products:

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