“Different church?”
“Different Jesus?”
Of course, we explained to her that it’s the same Jesus, just different people worshipping him.
She had a great time at VBS. I watched the last 20 minutes or so, when everyone comes together to sing songs and have a closing prayer in the sanctuary. The songs are the same ones that she and Preston sang at Camp CILCA (the overnight camp they stayed at for a week in June). She was thrilled to be singing along with them again. Apparently she was still excited this morning, because at breakfast, Dad told her that she would be going to VBS again tonight.
She exclaimed, “Jesus; I love Jesus!”
Brock replied, “Yeah, Jesus is awesome.” He then pointed out that Jesus had a role in bringing Shaling to America and into our family.
Her grateful response came quickly, “Jesus, please take me to China.”
Ah, yes…just a small reminder that though this family of four feels so natural and comfortable to us, it really is still new. Six months new.
In other news, Preston & Shaling just returned from a week with Uncle Scott & Aunt Barbara in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Uncle Scott took them swimming at the YMCA nearly every day. Shaling has a new Tinkerbell life jacket and has really learned to rely on it, giving her the confidence to swim all over the pool. They went to the zoo, to a hands-on science center, and more. For the first two nights, they got to play with cousin Braedon from Ohio, plus Shaling got to meet her Great Uncle Dave, Great Aunt Penny, and Dad’s cousin Michael for the first time.
We arrived on Friday and spent the weekend before coming home on Sunday. Shaling loves Uncle Scott & Aunt Barb’s dog, Dakota (half-lab; half-husky). She either wanted to stay there or bring “Cody” home with us. Of course, neither happened. We enjoyed a minor league baseball game (the Fort Wayne Tin Caps) Friday night. It was Harry Potter night at the ballpark, so lots of people were in costume. It was also fireworks night and there was a dazzling display following the game.
On Saturday, we grabbed lunch from Chick-fil-A and ate it at the YMCA, where the kids showed off their Dance, Dance, Revolution skills to us and Shaling showed us how confident she’s gotten in the pool. Then, we went to a local chocolate maker for freshly made chocolate-covered caramels and ice cream. After that, we went to the Three Rivers Festival, where the kids enjoyed Mid-Way rides and Brock enjoyed taking in a gigantic flea market. The kids also went for their very first helicopter ride. We finished off the evening by eating dinner at quite possibly the best Chinese food buffet to which I’ve ever been. It was scrumptious.
Several pictures and one video included below. I apologize for the poor picture quality. I forgot my camera and had to use my phone.
Preston & Shaling cheese it up with a giant bobblehead of the Tin Caps' mascot, Johnny Appleseed.

Preston smiles for the camera for me. He actually spent a large portion of the game asking his dad questions about baseball. He was genuinely interested in learning about it for the first time.

Shaling shows off her new swimming skills.

The kids go for a helicopter ride.

Preston & Shaling show off their dancing skills in this video.
Preston & Shaling - Dance, Dance, Revolution from Amy Reynolds on Vimeo.
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