Friday, November 11, 2011

Medical Update: Teeth & Ear

Shaling had orthodontic surgery this Tuesday. Dr. Milner took out three of her teeth - two permanent teeth & one baby tooth - to make room for teeth underneath to come up. She didn't care for the Novocaine shots, but handled the post-op soreness like a champ. She will eventually need braces, but we don't see the orthodontist again until next August or September.

She had yet another post-op visit with Dr. Huang (E.N.T.) today. He thought the ear looked much better. In fact, he said we could stop giving her the ear drops now. After pouting through some of the appointment, she smiled broadly when she heard that. She does, however, still have a small scab on her eardrum, so he wants to see her again on December 14. He predicts that we'll do a follow-up hearing test in about 5 months.

She continues to stay busy - has a basketball game at 8:30 tonight, stayed at her friend Katie's house last night, is still taking trumpet lessons, etc. Tomorrow we are giving an adoption testimonial at a "Chinese Thanksgiving" to raise money to buy coal for orphanages in China.

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