Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My Questions Answered by the Orphanage

Angela at ladybugsnlove received a response to the questions I posed. The odd thing is, I didn't send them through Angela; I sent these questions through Ann at redthread, but hey, whatever...I'm just thrilled to have a response!

Based on the answers to numbers 2 and 9, it appears she may have been moved to a foster home. I have not been informed of that, nor confirmed it, but I am going to see if Madison Adoption Associates can confirm it for me.

Preston will be thrilled with the answers to numbers 2, 4, 5 and 10.

These simple nuggets of information are a welcome and wonderful respite from the paperwork chase.

1. Did she have a note with her when she was found?

She was packed in an apple package when she was found, didn’t have anything with her.

2. What is her favorite food?

She likes to eat snacks, KFC and McDonald’s.

3. Does she have any fears?

She is afraid of making mistakes on her lesson because she doesn’t have patience to correct it.

4. How would you describe her personality?

Long Sha Ling is a child who can’t stay still. She is active like a boy. She is not very patient. But if you tell her priciple she will follow that.

5. What are some of her favorite activities?

Play smacking cards (Angela is not sure what game it is) and racing cars.

6. Does she have a favorite color? Perhaps we can decorate her room with that color.

Sha Ling likes pink/carnation and blue.

7. What is her strongest subject in school (math, science, reading...)?

Her Chinese and English grade is pretty good.

8. How much English is she able to speak?

She can speak some simple English.

9. Would you please let her hair grow longer?

OK, we will tell her foster family let her hair grow longer.

10. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about her?

Long Sha Ling is very active. Her personality is a little like a boy. She likes to play with boys. Sometimes she has trouble with her maths, but will understand quickly after explaining to her. She is a smart child. She will learn many things if teach her patiently.

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