Thursday, December 30, 2010

Altered Bedtime Arrangements

Last night, we tried some new sleeping arrangements. Instead of Mom & kids in the king-sized bed, it was Mom & Dad in the king-sized bed. We rolled the cot out to the couch. We tucked in Preston on the cot and Shaling on the couch. After everyone read for a little while, we turned the lights out to go to sleep. Brock & I heard some conspiratorial whispering. It seemed that Shaling was the instigator, as I kept hearing her say Preston’s name to get his attention. Brock asked me if I could hear them and I said yes, but just let them go for a bit. He pondered aloud what they might be able to talk about anyway. After a few minutes, they came bounding in the bedroom. Preston asked if he could sleep on the couch with Shaling, “please, please, she wants me to, she wants me to.” The couch makes an ‘L’ shape in the corner of the room, so we said ok. As we were helping to move the bedding from the cot to the other part of the couch, Shaling hopped up and rolled the cot back into the bedroom. She is one helpful little girl.

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